Source code for microdrop_plugin_template.init_hooks

from argparse import ArgumentParser
import datetime as dt
import logging
import pkg_resources
import sys

import path_helpers as ph

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def init_hooks(plugin_directory, overwrite=False): ''' Copy default hook scripts to specified plugin. Prompt to overwrite a hook script if it already exists (unless ``overwrite==True``). Parameters ---------- plugin_directory : str Microdrop plugin directory overwrite : bool If `True`, overwrite existing file with same name as output file. ''' plugin_directory = ph.path(plugin_directory) # Hook files to copy from plugin template. hook_paths = ('hooks/Windows/on_plugin_install.bat', 'hooks/Linux/', '') template_hook_paths = \ [ph.path(pkg_resources.resource_filename('microdrop_plugin_template', p)).realpath() for p in hook_paths] plugin_hook_paths = [plugin_directory.joinpath(p).realpath() for p in hook_paths] for plugin_path_i, template_path_i in zip(plugin_hook_paths, template_hook_paths): if plugin_path_i.lines() == template_path_i.lines(): # Contents match. Nothing to do. logger.debug('File contents match: "%s" and "%s"', plugin_path_i, template_path_i) continue if plugin_path_i.isfile(): if not overwrite: response = None skip_file = False while response is None: print ('File exists: {}. ' '[(s)kip]/s(k)ip all/(b)ackup/(o)verwrite/' 'overwrite (a)ll?'.format(plugin_path_i)), response = raw_input() or 's' if response in ('s', 'skip'): logger.debug('Skipping: %s', plugin_path_i) skip_file = True break elif response in ('k', 'skip all'): logger.debug('Skipping all remaining files') return elif response in ('b', 'backup'): backup_path_i = (plugin_path_i + '.' + .strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%Hh%Mm%S')) print 'Wrote backup to: {}'.format(backup_path_i) plugin_path_i.copy(backup_path_i) break elif response in ('o', 'overwrite'): logger.debug('Overwriting: %s', plugin_path_i) break elif response in ('a', 'overwrite all'): logger.debug('Overwriting: %s', plugin_path_i) overwrite = True break else: response = None if skip_file: continue else: logger.debug('Overwriting: %s', plugin_path_i) template_path_i.copy(plugin_path_i)
[docs]def parse_args(args=None): '''Parses arguments, returns ``(options, args)``.''' from mpm.bin import LOG_PARSER if args is None: args = sys.argv parser = ArgumentParser(description='Initialize plugin directory with ' 'latest hook scripts from the ' '`microdrop-plugin-template` package.', parents=[LOG_PARSER]) parser.add_argument('-f', '--force-overwrite', action='store_true', help='Force overwrite of existing files') parser.add_argument('plugin_directory', type=ph.path, default=ph.path('.'), help='Plugin directory') return parser.parse_args()
if __name__ == '__main__': args = parse_args() logging.basicConfig(level=getattr(logging, args.log_level.upper())) #logger.debug('test') init_hooks(args.plugin_directory, overwrite=args.force_overwrite)